Friday, 19 December 2008

Freaky fruit and veg!

promised to keep you entertained with with 'alternative' snippets of life out here so here's something to whet your appetite (or not as the case may be!)

so i was grocery shopping as you do and you know how in tesco's of late you seem to be able to find forever more exotic fruit and veg, well i was in one of our local supermarkets and came across these...

known as Durian fruit, some of you may have seen or heard of it because it absolutely stinks!

this one really freaked me out, known as snake fruit (or salak), I'm sure you can spot the resemblance to its slithery namesake!

and finally the weirdest pick of the bunch in my opinion was this...
Romanesco Broccoli, which looks like some type of alien 3D fractal art. 

going off on a tangent (well not exactly as it is linked to the broccoli) if you are not convinced of god's handiwork in nature then check this link on logarithmic spiral's. Signs of intelligent deisgn and not just a random act of nature?!

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