Friday, 2 May 2008

Al-Andalus Masjid

picking up on a past blog about the mosques in the middle east, this is one of the more beautiful ones in here in Al-Ain. this masjid stands out from the others because it has been built in the architectural style of Islamic Spain. if any on you have visited the Al-Hambra in southern spain you will know what i am talking about. unfortunately, as usual, my dodgy camera work wont do it justcice. maybe when i get a chance i will retake these pics.

many of the masjids have lanscaped gardens with yep, you've guessed it, date palms!

this is the entrance to the main masjid from the enclosed courtyard

inside of the main prayer hall

and the mihrab (prayer niche) and mimbar (pulpit) at the front of the prayer hall.

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